TC Alumni Art Club - Founders

The TC Alumni Art Club is a membership group for TC Mentor Program Alumni Students to continue getting feedback and instruction from Brienne.  This includes the Self-Guided Mentor Program. 

Every month we will have a LIVE Zoom Meeting, usually on the first Thursday each month starting at 7:00 pm (Eastern Daylight Time). The meetings will alternate between Critique Sessions (odd months) and Tutorial Demonstrations (even months). 
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2023 Monthly Meetings Dates & Times

May 4, 2023

Tips on Painting Moving Water
June 1, 2023

July 6, 2024

Relating Values, Colors, & Shapes
Aug. 3, 2023

Tips on Drawing from Life
Sept. 7, 2023

Oct. 5, 2023

Choosing a Good Painting Subject
Nov. 2, 2023

Dec. 7, 2023

Tips on Negative Painting

TC Alumni Art Club Membership
             What's Included...

Monthly Club Meetings

Monthly Alumni Meetings will be LIVE on Zoom, usually on the First Thursday of Every Month from 7:00-9:00 pm (Eastern Time Zone). We alternate between Tutorial and Critique Sessions.

Tutorial Sessions

For Tutorial Sessions, Brienne will teach and give tips  about a specific topic and then share a focused demonstration.  Brienne will choose topics, which change each session, that seem useful to the members.  Also, Club Members will have the chance to suggest future topics.

Critique Sessions

For the Critique Sessions, members may submit one painting for possible critique.  Brienne will choose up to 20 paintings from those submitted to comment on.  Even though there is no guarantee your painting will be critiqued each time, Brienne will make sure to rotate members chosen. 

Meeting Recordings

All Meetings will be recorded and available for active Club Members to watch. So if you have to miss a meeting, you won't miss the critiques or tutorials. Videos will be archived for at least two years.

Full TC Video Club Access

Active members will have immediate FULL access to Brienne's Instructional Video Library.  

Want to join the TC Alumni Art Club?

First, you must complete one of the mentor programs
Write your awesome label here.

Traveling Colors Mentor Program

Learn key tools and concepts for painting watercolor with more personal guidance from Brienne.  Have time to practice concepts with feedback.  There is a limit on enrollment and this 14-week program is only offered once a year, between Nov. and Feb.  

Registration Opens End of Aug. 2023
Write your awesome label here.

Self-Guided Mentor Program

The Self-Guided Mentor Program has the same exclusive instruction and demonstration videos as the TC Mentor Program, but with no personal feedback from Brienne.  There is however, time flexibility, assignments, example critiques, and scheduled video releases to keep you on track.

Enroll Anytime!
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